What to expect in a dental filling procedure

Many people fear going to see a dentist. Actually, it is rated as one of the top phobias experienced by many people. This is mainly because of the fear of the unknown. Naturally, humans fear what they do not understand of what they have no knowledge of. You will find some people living with dental cavities and tooth aches which they could avoid by getting fillings. But since they fear the “unknown” procedures of cavity filling which go on behind the closed doors of a dentist’s office. Dearborn dental experts hope to shed some light on the activities which go on during a cavity filling.

What goes on in the procedure?

A typical procedure will go for about one hour. The first step is an X ray examination. The dentist has to know the area of decay and the depth of the tooth cavity. However, an X-ray examination is not needed at all times. The dentist will also talk to you about the procedure and what is going to be done to your teeth. Before starting the filling procedure, the dentist will apply local anesthesia which will numb your teeth, your gums and the surrounding teeth. This will reduce any discomfort felt during the procedure and prevent pain.

Drilling out the decay

The next step is drilling out the decay on the tooth. Decay on a tooth is what causes dental cavities to form. The decay comes from bacteria which eats away at the enamel and forms a hole in the tooth. Drilling away the decay i.e. the black material on your tooth, cleans out the dirt in the tooth and prevents further damage to the tooth. After this step, the dentist goes ahead to fill the tooth with special filling material. There are two types of filling materials;

Amalgam fillings

Amalgam fillings have been in use for more than 100 years. It is the most used type of filling material as it has undergone numerous tests and been researched widely. They are composed of a mixture of many metal elements. Their metallic nature makes them strong enough to be used to fill molars in the back of the mouth where most of the chewing takes place. It also makes the fillings visible when one laughs due to their metallic shine.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings are another type of filling material which is used by dentists. They are also known as filled resins or composites and are made of a combination of glass or quartz. Composite fillings can be matched with the color of your teeth making them less visible when you laugh or smile. They are also fairly durable as compared to amalgam fillings and are good for places in your mouth where medium chewing takes place. Composites are mostly used for small and medium fillings and restorations.